AI TV primarily addresses institutional investors who are responsible for the management of huge assets belonging to foundations, insurance groups, pensions and burial funds. These have been facing the challenges of low and negative interests. In this way, solution approaches beyond the classical asset catergories will increasingly focuseed upon to fullfil the tasks sustainably. The expression "alternative investments" also includes asset classes such as hedge funds, private equity/debt, infrastructure, raw materials and many more fields. The complexity of these asset classes is high and in many cases, the experience of dealing with them is low.
AI TV wants to impart knowledge and therefore presents the multiple and varying concepts; solution approaches and investment strategies in the form of expert interviews, video documentaries and product videos. AI TV is clear and understandable because only when you are able to understand the often complex approaches to solutions, is it possible to make a proper investment decision.
The team at Finanzplaner TV GmbH has long-term experience in the development and operation of media centres; video portals and smart TV apps. Further information on the company, its founder, the team and selected examples of our activtities can be found on: